Me and some friends (thanks Kurt, Tyler, Alan, Oscar, Matt and Craig!) are entering an art contest that we stand a good chance of placing 1st or 2cnd in. It was allot of work because we entered when it was half over., so we had less than half the time. Our entry has officially passed qualification for consideration and we are allowed to fix some small bugs that were a result of our rush job. Our submission has to animate in the Unreal Engine and Editor. That was the hard technical part.
He is Anubis 'God of the Dead" ruler of the Egyptian Underworld they called, 'Duat'. The ancient Egyptians believed every night Ra/Horus guarded the sun through the treacherous Underworld where Anubis tried to des

Hey, you didn't tell us you were entering a contest. When you get a chance,we need details. When is it due? What is the prize (other than a resume beef)? Is this for a toy or game character? Go, go, go! You guys can do it!!!
ReplyDeleteI just got busy doing it. Was allot of work because we had half the time left. The prize is between 500 to 2k but its split between a bunch of people so itll get pretty deluded.
ReplyDeleteWe dont find out the winner for another month and a half.
Its not over yet because there is more future categories for the remainder of 09.
Any news on the contest?